Gigantic acromioclavicular joint cyst: presentation and mini review



Acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) cyst is an uncommonly documented condition of the shoulder, first described by Craig.5Craig E.V. The acromioclavicular cyst. An unusual presentation a rotator cuff tear.Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1986; : 189-192Google Scholar According to Hiller's classification,13Hiller A.D. Miller J.D. Zeller J.L. formation.Clin Anat. 2010; 23: 145-152 PubMed Scopus (35) Google there are 2 types cysts, based on various etiologies that generate them. Type I cysts caused degenerative changes ACJ due injury, metabolic/infectious disease, or excessive use and therefore restricted joint, with intact cuff. Gradually, these can inflame synovium, leading overproduction fluid formation superficial ACJ. II associated tears, partial complete, subsequent tear arthropathy, including superior migration humeral head irritation inferior capsule. Synovial from glenohumeral (GHJ) escapes through subacromial/subdeltoid bursa (Geyser sign) into ACJ, deteriorated capsule acting like 1-way valve prevents returning, cyst.6Cvitanic O. Schimandle J. Cruse A. Minter cyst: communication revealed MR arthrography.J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1999; 141-143Crossref (24) We report massive over right in 80-year-old man, followed short literature review. database search was carried out using terms cyst, ganglion No date criteria were placed. All articles reporting cyst's size its underlying pathology, as well applied treatment methods recurrence rate, included. inclusion (1) full-text studies (2) English language official translation provided. initial research query provided 166 records. Eleven excluded duplicates, 79 irrelevant reviewing title. In addition, cases describing juxta-articular myxoma chondromyxoid fibroma, respectively, excluded. 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Kelly C.P. tear.J 7: 435-437Abstract Scholar1665 NIDDAcromioplasty, DCE, RCRNo6Segmüller 199726Segmüller H.E. Saies Hayes M.G. Ganglion joint.J 1997; 6: 410-412Abstract Scholar1631AC NIDDArthroscopic DCENo18ACJ, joint; disease; CPPD, calcium dihydrate crystal AC RA, arthritis; NIDD, noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis; excision; distal clavicle RCR, repair; –, unknown/not stated. Open table new tab right-handed man admitted hospital located above his His medical history free, exception pulmonary echinococcosis, diagnosed 40 years ago. patient, retired manual laborer, denied any previous trauma prior surgeries affected side, but complained discomfort mild pain during daily life activities, gradually increasing lump. On physical examination, measured 6.5 cm diameter, length, 5 width, 4 height (Fig. 1). lump compressible, movable, nontender palpation. active ROM 160° forward elevation. Internal rotation L2-L3 level, whereas external abduction arm decreased, compared healthy side. plain radiographic examination narrowing space osteophytes. There signs longstanding proximal GHJ osteoarthritis 2). magnetic resonance (MRI) demonstrated subcutaneous, soft tissue density cystic projecting along changes. Both T1- T2-weighted showed well-defined, encapsulated, multilobulated homogenous appearance no adhesions adjacent tissues, necrosis, osteomyelitis 3). 7.6×4×3.5 (length width height). Chronic cranially migrated noted. obvious between subacromial space.Figure 3Magnetic image revealing cyst.View Large Image Figure ViewerDownload Hi-res Download (PPT) Because patient's history, echinococcosis had Serum enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay crude antigens Echinococcus granulosus negative. Supplementary chest radiograph abdominal ultrasonography lung liver lesions. underwent surgical mass. Under general anesthesia, incision made directly contained dense mucoid material, probably escaping degenerated Excision 1 performed, reduce risk recurrence, repaired. Histopathology suggestive wall consisted bundles fibrous connective collagenous depositions focal myxoid changes, lining internal surface. 3 surgery. clinical exact etiology still debatable scientific world. They present elderly patients being uncommon complication and/or changes.33Tshering this average age 72.6 (range: 36-91 years). vast majority (96.5%) older than 50 years, 36 (63.2%) 70 years. al12Gumina stated occasionally masses huge, affecting patients' activities. reviewed found extremely variable (1-8 diameter); 9 (15.8%) exceeded 7 diameter. It seems tendency grow bigger patients, perhaps those unwillingness seek prompt consultation. Our average; although troubled him he been reluctant visit physician. As result, reached almost our knowledge, volume second largest literature. Revealing great importance, ongoing controversy about cysts' pathogenesis, reflect type cysts.13Hiller Graig describe relation tears. accumulation results sign), distension ACJ's capsule.5Craig flow identified arthrogram, contrast, noncontrast computed tomographic arthrography.6Cvitanic Scholar,11Guillen Scholar,14Khor However, always possible demonstrate communication.27Selvi Kontakis al15Kontakis suggest overdistention may narrow channel hinder fluid's flow. Furthermore, already accumulated congeal within thus decrease presented classified valve, inhibiting returning formation. Cho claim most consistent pathology.2Cho Scholar,7de Accordingly, 51 (89.5%) tear, accompanied both GHJ. nature typically benign, either origin.30Skedros Nevertheless, malignant tumours should considered differential diagnosis, significant sizes.6Cvitanic Scholar,33Tshering synovium-lined structures containing articular comes joint. other hand, lack lining, unveiling thicker contain dense, mucinous material.19Montet more commonly appear subsequently related (1.7%) isolated degeneration.4Cooper Scholar,9Good Scholar,16Marino Scholar,18McCreesh Scholar,19Montet Scholar,22Nowak Scholar,24Purohit Scholar,26Segmüller Scholar,30Skedros Scholar,32Tanaka Regardless pathology mechanism, subcutaneous tissue.29Singh only (5.3%) reported cyst19Montet Scholar,31Spinnato Scholar,34Zhang communicating epidermis.9Good Reviewing we list 98 combined pathologies 4). pathology.15Kontakis cases, trauma1Chang 3, inflammatory metabolic DISH-Gout, NIDD respectively,3Cooper Scholar,8De confirming accepted theory origin. Previous DISH-Gout classification; however, al8De have lesion urate crystals, believe secondary local process. degen

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عنوان ژورنال: Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1058-2746', '1532-6500']